      2024-05-27 23:50
      來源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)


      深圳新聞網(wǎng)2024年5月27日訊(記者 楊佳慧 曹宇旋 馮牧原 李丹璐 張玲)長沙的“臭豆腐”,甘肅的“天水麻辣燙”,內(nèi)蒙古“炒酸奶”,臺灣寧夏夜市的“大腸炒小腸”……一年一度的文博會于5月27日在深圳落幕,作為中國唯一一個國家級、國際化、綜合性的文化產(chǎn)業(yè)博覽交易會,第二十屆文博會在文旅融合、非遺文化之外又開辟了一個新天地——中華美食。本期的深圳有滋味,就是來自東非的肯尼亞小哥哥家輝與中華美食的奇幻之旅。

      Changsha's "Stinky Tofu", Gansu's "Tianshui Malatang", Inner Mongolia's "Fried Yogurt", Taiwan's "Fried Large Intestine"……The 20th ICIF ended in Shenzhen on May 27th.The 20th ICIF has integrated culture and tourism and opened up a new world besides intangible cultural heritage-Chinese food.The Shenzhen has FUN in this issue is the fantasy journey of Dhruv(Chinese name"家輝"),a Kenyan boy from East Africa,and Chinese food.

      第20屆文博會吸引海量參觀者。(李丹璐 攝)

      接受美食挑戰(zhàn),兩人認(rèn)真研究文博會展位分布圖。(李丹璐 攝)

      12號館有非遺,也有美食老字號。(李丹璐 攝)

      “這一鍋麻辣燙就是我的啦?”(李丹璐 攝)

      人群中找到一張桌子坐下來品嘗中華美食。(李丹璐 攝)

      吃著天水麻辣燙,Dhruv聊起肯尼亞人的主食烏伽黎。(張玲 攝)


      Tianshui Malatang,which adds mysterious sauce buns,minced garlic and coriander,is a popular stall at the cultural fair.Eating Malatang,Dhruv couldn't help but think of the East African delicacy"Ugali". Different from Chinese Malatang,it is made by mixing corn,sorghum and millet flour with water and then cooking it in a pot.It is a Kenyan tradition staple food.

      在文博會開啟中華美食之旅。(張玲 攝)

      臺灣寧夏夜市的小吃“大腸炒小腸”也來到文博會現(xiàn)場。(張玲 攝)

      新鮮出爐的大腸炒小腸。(張玲 攝)


      While having Changsha stinky tofu,Dhruv had a"disagreement"with Yuxuan Cao,a reporter from Hunan.Dhruv who has traveled to many places in China,thought that the stinky tofu he ate here seemed not very authentic,but in Cao Yuxuan's opinion,this stinky tofu was exactly the taste of his hometown!

      長沙臭豆腐。(李丹璐 攝)

      湖北熱干面。(李丹璐 攝)

      Dhruv熟練使用筷子吃面。(李丹璐 攝)

      身著貴州水族和苗族民族服飾的小姐姐在文博會非常亮眼。(張玲 攝)


      The plum blossom seal script originated from Yao and Shun and was passed down to the Tang Dynasty.It was the creation of the calligrapher Wu Daozi.In the No.12 Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall,we met Mr.Wang Hongjun,the 14th generation inheritor of the Guinness World Intangible Cultural Heritage"Plum Blossom Seal Script".

      In response to Dhruv's arrival,Mr.Wang enthusiastically "accepted a disciple on the spot"and taught him to outline the essence of Chinese intangible cultural heritage with each stroke.He stamped the painting and presented it to Dhruv.

      Dhruv在王洪軍的指導(dǎo)下,用梅花篆寫下自己的名字。(張玲 攝)

      一筆一劃皆文化。(張玲 攝)

      王洪軍向記者和Dhruv介紹梅花篆。(李丹璐 攝)

      這是三個人用梅花篆合力創(chuàng)作的作品。(李丹璐 攝)


      Having been in China for four years,Dhruv is about to have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.Whether it is calligraphy or food,he is looking forward to experiencing more Chinese culture.

      中華美食,百花齊放。(李丹璐 攝)

      文博會讓人駐足的美食攤位。(李丹璐 攝)

      面條要吃,現(xiàn)場拉起來。(李丹璐 攝)

      文博會,明年見。(李丹璐 攝)


      [編輯:劉夢婷 王容] [責(zé)任編輯:熊三有]