外眼看深|愛吃鹵水和腸粉 法國(guó)建筑師深圳轉(zhuǎn)型“玩”桌游
      2022-12-05 20:46
      來(lái)源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)

      外眼看深|愛吃鹵水和腸粉 法國(guó)建筑師深圳轉(zhuǎn)型“玩”桌游

      讀特客戶端·深圳新聞網(wǎng)2022年12月5日訊(記者 張玲 梁榆其 馮牧原 實(shí)習(xí)記者 魏坤倫)2011年,Eric從法國(guó)來(lái)到深圳時(shí),他的職業(yè)是建筑設(shè)計(jì)師。11年后的今天,他在深圳擁有了幸福的家庭,也轉(zhuǎn)換了賽道,找到了熱愛的事業(yè)。當(dāng)初為何選擇在深圳定居,Eric說(shuō),“那是一個(gè)很長(zhǎng)的故事”。

      In 2011, Eric came to Shenzhen from France. At that time, he was an architect. Over the past 11 years, he has a happy family and found a career he loves here. When speaking of why choose to live in Shenzhen,"that is a long story." Eric said.


      在深圳福田的家,登上天臺(tái),Eric就可以看到深圳第一高樓平安金融大廈。(張玲 攝)

      Eric給桌游小白的記者現(xiàn)場(chǎng)教學(xué),玩了一場(chǎng)有趣的桌游。(張玲 攝)


      "My best friend came to China in 2008. The products of company distributed all over the world. In fact, they brought materials from Shenzhen to make precast buildings and sold to other cities. I actually lived very well in France, but he said 'I need you', so here I am." Eric says that he likes challenge himself. Moving to Shenzhen is a new lifestyle. He can' t miss it.

      桌游現(xiàn)場(chǎng)教學(xué)中。(張玲 攝)

      Eric說(shuō)他的桌游游戲雖然是從歐洲發(fā)貨過(guò)來(lái)的,但卻都是廣東制造。(張玲 攝)


      Eric's initial impression of Shenzhen is"huge", the buildings are tall, the size of the city is huge, the population base is huge. He was also shocked by the‘new’ of city of Shenzhen city.

      Eric said he had been to many different countries.He was shocked by the rapid technological development process of Shenzhen."When you see the capitals,Paris and London,you do not feel the things are changing, they are old. It's just like the past,always.But you do actually find something new in Shenzhen. It is not about the past ,but the future."

      Eri轉(zhuǎn)型做桌游教練后,給自己的公司起了一個(gè)有趣的名字,“鬧鬧”。(張玲 攝)

      Eric既教孩子們玩桌游,也為公司團(tuán)建設(shè)計(jì)桌游,這份工作很好地結(jié)合了他的愛好和技能。(張玲 攝)


      After leaving former company, Eric chose to become a board game coach."Similar to an architect, in Shenzhen,  board games are also a way of design. I design board games for team activities, organize board games for party. I love spending time with children so I can teach children to learn how to play. Now my career integrates my skills and hobbies in this way.

      Eric家的玄關(guān)處,有一張女兒畫的全家福。(張玲 攝)

      Eric在深圳看到了這座城市在不斷進(jìn)步,也見證了中國(guó)速度。(張玲 攝)


      "As an architect, I came to Shenzhen and saw how beautiful it is,and I witnessed how fast China is developing. The design of architecture in Shenzhen combines modernization with traditional Chinese culture. They are integrating and innovative. Many activities can be only found in park here." The board game design is innovating, Shenzhen is moving forward too. These are the reason why Eric came to Shenzhen and the driving power of the city.

      Eric家的窗臺(tái)一角。(張玲 攝)


      After 11 years of living, Eric has already had  a"Chinese stomach". He is almost an expert on Chinese food."My favorite is Teochew Lushui and Changfen (Steamed Vermicelli Roll), and Changfen must be the rolling one with garlic oil. Sometimes I even feel like I'm not a French any more."

      [編輯:王容] [責(zé)任編輯:黃春才]