外眼看深 | ?深大國際合唱團《冰雪之望》:用一首歌賦能冬奧會,聯(lián)結(jié)全球來華留學生
      2022-02-15 13:50
      來源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)

      外眼看深 | ?深大國際合唱團《冰雪之望》:用一首歌賦能冬奧會,聯(lián)結(jié)全球來華留學生

      讀特客戶端·深圳新聞網(wǎng)2022年2月17日訊(記者 梁榆其 金洪竹 閻思遠)正如歌詞寫道,“靜聽,這里有人在唱,愛就是希望......友誼鏈接我們的故鄉(xiāng)。”一首由深圳大學國際合唱團團長申文燮作曲、24所國內(nèi)高校、50多個國家、百余名在華留學生共同演唱的歌曲《冰雪之望》,被教育部留學服務中心選作了北京2022年冬奧會的獻禮曲目。

      As the lyrics say, "Listen, someone is singing, love is our hope...... Friendship connects our homeland together." The song "When the Ice Is Shinning", composed by South Korean student Shin Moonsub, head of the International Choir of Shenzhen University, and performed by over 100 international students from more than 50 countries, who are studying at 24 Chinese universities, has been selected by the Ministry of Education Service Center as a tribute to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games.


      The soothing music represents their love for the Winter Olympics. Reporters from SZNews.com interviews Shin Moonsub, Zhang Haomiao, the Chinese lyricist of this song, and Huang Weihao, a Thai member of the choir, to reveal the story behind the song.


      歷時10個月 用歌聲為北京冬奧會送上全球來華留學生的祝福


      Shin Moon-sup, from South Korea, is studying for a doctorate in theoretical economics at Shenzhen University.  Shin told reporters that he loved music as a child and was impressed by "Hand In Hand," the theme song for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. At the beginning of 2021, Shin began to plan to compose a song for the Beijing Winter Olympics, hoping to use music to give some strength and courage to people in the COVID-19 epidemic period, as well as convey good wishes from international students to the Beijing Winter Olympics.



      In March 2021, Shin began composing music.  It took Shin and the members of Choir 10 months to complete the song, including recording, shooting and editing the music video.  At first, Shin planned to invite only 30 international students to sing, but the number grew to more than 100.  Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, more than 100 students in China are scattered around the world, and members can only gather for two weeks to rehearse online. 


      As it was not really snowy last winter, the opportunity to shoot snow scenes was also greatly reduced, which resulted in the compression of the post-editing time.  Through their tireless efforts, the members overcame the inconveniences caused by time, regions and other factors. Through music, they demonstrated the strength of unity and the spirit of international cooperation.  It is also because of the online chorus, they formed a deep friendship. 


      How to decide the Chinese title of the song? The question gave the members a lot of thoughts. "In the end, we chose 'Bing Xue Zhi Wang' (it means Hope of Ice and Snow), which named by Zhang Haomiao, a Chinese lyricist. "I chose 'Bing Xue Zhi Wang' because the word 'Wang' contains three different meanings in Mandarin. It is not only a beautiful OUTLOOK for the Beijing Winter Olympics, but also a HOPE to witness the beautiful move of Olympic athletes from all over the world. At the same time, it also contains a sincere WISH for peace and friendship between all countries in the world." Zhang said.

      “《冰雪之望 》以年輕人的夢想和堅定地信念為主題創(chuàng)作,描述運動健兒克服許多困難和挫折,堅定自己的目標為國爭光、挑戰(zhàn)自我,最后在冬奧會的賽場上表現(xiàn)自我的過程。”申文燮說,《冰雪之望 》就是在致敬這個過程。

      "Based on the dreams and firm beliefs of young people, the song describes the process of athletes overcoming many difficulties and setbacks, setting their own goals to win glory for their country, challenging themselves, and finally performing themselves in the Olympic Games."  'When the Ice Is Shining' is a tribute to that process, Mr. Shin said.

      歌詞融入中國詩歌元素 運動員是主角


      In March 2021, nearly three years after graduating from Chinese Language and Literature major of Shenzhen University, Zhang Haomiao received an invitation from his good friend Shin Moonsub to write lyrics for the song "When the Ice Is Shining".



      When Zhang first heard the song demo, she felt like receiving a surprising gift.  "The melody is very nice and beautiful, yet the process of writing lyrics is painful but happy."  Although she has written lyrics before, Zhang was a little nervous at first because it was her first time to write a work for the Winter Olympics. To get it right, she studied all the theme songs of Olympic Games and Winter Olympics.


      After a lot of study and research, Zhang decided on the structure of the lyrics, and she wrote them in just 10 days.  "The whole idea for the song was to start with athletes."  Zhang Haomiao said that the lyrics show athletes in the Winter Olympics, after looking back at the past pain and failure, they still stand firmly in the field, with faith to continue to surpass themselves.  In addition, the lyrics also invite people from all over the world to join in the Winter Olympics, reflecting the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fairness.

      張浩淼告訴記者, 《冰雪之望》的中文版歌詞中還運用了許多中國古詩詞的元素。冬奧會中的冰雪世界,讓張浩淼首先想到了詩詞“天蒼蒼,野茫?!?,以及《岳陽樓記》中里的“浩浩湯湯,橫無際涯”。兩句相融后,便創(chuàng)作出了副歌部分的“風湯湯,雪茫?!薄?/p>

      Zhang Haomiao says that the Chinese version of the song also uses many elements of ancient Chinese poetry.  The ice and snow world of the Winter Olympics reminds Zhang of the sentences from Chi Le Ge and the poem "The Story of Yueyang Tower". The fushion of sentences from these peoms created the lyrics in the chorus.



      In addition, a famous Chinese writer Lin Qingxuan also inspired Zhang to write the lyrics "the clear posture of flying and spinning."  "Using the word 'Qing' (it means clear) to describe the Olympic figure skating and skiing events that close to the snow and ice, and 'Xuan' (it means spinning)  is also more accurate to imply the skills of the athletes in these events."  Zhang Haomiao said.



      Huang Weihao from Thailand is a senior student, majoring in business administration at Shenzhen University.  He said that he was very happy to be involved in the creation of the song. 



      "Although my part was only a short sentence, I practiced it for two weeks and spent an afternoon recording it."  Huang Weihao told reporters, when he was practicing, his intonation is not perfect. Shin Mun Sup has been really patient to guide him online.  "Now I realize that it must be very hard for Shin to deal with the audio of more than 100 people." 


      To keep to the theme of the Winter Olympics, the music video uses elements related to snow. But with no snoy weather in Shenzhen, how do they shoot snow scenes?  Huang Weihao, who has lived in Shenzhen for a long time, immediately thought of the Ice World in the Window of the World.  "The video was the hardest part."  Considering that the facial expression should be natural, Huang Weihao and his members reshot again and again in the subzero temperature. When their body and face were frozen, they went outside to warm up. So back and forth, the video of just ten seconds was shot for two or three hours. 


      When the music video came out, it was published on Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People's Daily and other major media platforms. When Huang Weihao update his Wechat Moments, the screen was full of this song, with his participation in the chorus. He finds this work really powerful, and it is worthy of all their works. He is very proud to participate in it.  After the song is trending, Huang edits a video of the story behind it.  


      " 'When the Ice Is Shining' is a message of positive energy. People from different countries come together because of the music, the Olympics, across borders, so I think it's more like a message of friendship for the Winter Olympics."  "Mr. Huang said.




      When the snow appears right before your eyes

      You will feel the embrace of the cold

      You will know the time has finally arrived

      You should be prepared for the call

      The snow is crisp and the stars are bright

      I spread my arms and I take flight

      I see pretty snowflakes falling from the sky

      my heart quickly pounding at this sight

      Beijing is waiting for you all

      Get united under this light

      Be a part of this brotherhood

      Sharing the spirit competing together just as one

      Raise your glass

      reach the stars

      follow our dream it is in our hands

      light the torch

      so we can begin memories to be made
























